
MUSAE Datasets



This is a large social network of GitHub developers introduced in the “Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding” (MUSAE) paper. Nodes represent developers on GitHub, and edges are mutual follower relationships. Hyperedges are mutually following developer groups that contain at least 3 developers (i.e., maximal cliques with sizes of at least 3). The task is to predict whether a user is a web or a machine learning developer (could also be both or neither). HGB enables an option to use either the raw node features extracted based on the location, repositories starred, employer and e-mail address, or the 128-dimensional preprocessed node embeddings by MUSAE.

#Nodes #Edges #Hyperedges #Node Features #Classes
37,300 578,006 223,672 4,005 or 128 4


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import GitHub
dataset = GitHub(root='/data/github')
# Data(x=[37700, 128], edge_index=[2, 578006], y=[37700], hyperedge_index=[2, 1026826], num_hyperedges=223672)

Download raw data in JSON: Zenodo


GNU General Public License v3.0



This is a large Facebook page-page network introduced in the “Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding” (MUSAE) paper. Nodes represent verified pages on Facebook, and edges are mutual likes. Hyperedges are mutually liked page groups that contain at least 3 pages (i.e., maximal cliques with sizes of at least 3). The task is to predict which of the four categories a page belongs to: politicians, governmental organizations, television shows and companies. HGB enables an option to use either the raw node features extracted from the site descriptions, or the 128-dimensional preprocessed node embeddings by MUSAE.

#Nodes #Edges #Hyperedges #Node Features #Classes
22,470 342,004 236,663 4,714 or 128 4


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import Facebook
dataset = GitHub(root='/data/facebook')
# Data(x=[22470, 128], edge_index=[2, 342004], y=[22470], hyperedge_index=[2, 2344151], num_hyperedges=236663)

Download raw data in JSON: Zenodo


GNU General Public License v3.0



These are six small Twitch user-user networks introduced in the “Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding” (MUSAE) paper. Nodes represent gamers on Twitch, and edges are followerships between them. Hyperedges are mutually following user groups that contain at least 3 gamers (i.e., maximal cliques with sizes of at least 3). The task is to predict whether a user streams mature content. HGB enables an option to use either the raw node features extracted based on the games played and liked, location and streaming habits, or the 128-dimensional preprocessed node embeddings by MUSAE.

Name #Nodes #Edges #Hyperedges #Node Features #Classes
DE 9,498 306,276 297,315 3,170 or 128 2
EN 7,126 70,648 13,248 3,170 or 128 2
ES 4,648 118,764 77,135 3,170 or 128 2
FR 6,549 225,332 172,653 3,170 or 128 2
PT 1,912 62,598 74,830 3,170 or 128 2
RU 4,385 74,608 25,673 3,170 or 128 2


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import Twitch
# for other languages, use name=
dataset = Twitch('/data/twitch', name='DE')  # name = ['DE', 'EN', 'ES', 'FR', 'PT', 'RU']
# Data(x=[9498, 128], edge_index=[2, 306276], y=[9498], hyperedge_index=[2, 2277625], num_hyperedges=297315)

Download raw data in JSON:
Zenodo(DE) Zenodo(EN) Zenodo(ES) Zenodo(FR) Zenodo(PT) Zenodo(RU)


GNU General Public License v3.0



These are three Wikipedia page-page networks dataset introduced in the “Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding” (MUSAE) paper. Nodes represent articles, and edges represent mutual hyperlinks between them. Hyperedges are mutually linked page groups that contain at least 3 pages (i.e., maximal cliques with sizes of at least 3). The task is to predict the average monthly traffic of the web page. HGB enables an option to use either the raw node features extracted based on informative nouns appeared in the text of the Wikipedia articles, or the 128-dimensional preprocessed node embeddings by MUSAE.

Name #Nodes #Edges #Hyperedges #Node Features
chameleon 2,277 62,742 14,650 3,132 or 128
crocodile 11,631 341,546 121,431 13,183 or 128
squirrel 5,201 396,706 220,678 3,148 or 128


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import Wikipedia
# for other two graphs, use name='crocodile', 'squirrel'
dataset = Wikipedia('/data/wiki', name='chameleon')  # name = ['chameleon, 'crocodile', 'squirrel'] 
# Data(x=[2277, 128], edge_index=[2, 62742], y=[2277], hyperedge_index=[2, 113444], num_hyperedges=14650)

Download raw data in JSON:
Zenodo(chameleon) Zenodo(crocodile) Zenodo(squirrel)


GNU General Public License v3.0

GRAND Datasets



We select and build six gene regulatory networks in different tissues from GRAND, a public database for gene regulation. Nodes represent gene regulatory elements with three distinct types: protein-encoding gene, lncRNA gene, and other regulatory elements. Edges are regulatory effects between genes. The task is a multi-class classification of gene regulatory elements. We train a CNN and use it to take the gene sequence as input and create a 4,651-dimensional embedding for each node. The hyperedges are constructed by grouping nearby genomic elements on the chromosomes, i.e., the genomic elements within 200k base pair distance are grouped as hyperedges.

Name #nodes #edges #hyperedges #features #classes
Brain 6,196 6,245 11,878 4608 3
Lung 6,119 6,160 11,760 4608 3
Breast 5,921 5,910 11,400 4608 3
Artery_Coronary 5,755 5,722 11,222 4608 3
Artery_Aorta 5,848 5,823 11,368 4608 3
Stomach 5,745 5,694 11,201 4608 3


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import Grand
# name = ['Brain', 'Lung', 'Breast', 'Artery_Coronary', 'Artery_Aorta', 'Stomach']
dataset = Grand('/data/grand', name='Brain') 
# Data(x=[6196, 4608], edge_index=[2, 6245], y=[6196], hyperedge_index=[2, 15388], num_hyperedges=11878)

Download raw data in JSON:
Zenodo(Brain) Zenodo(Lung) Zenodo(Breast) Zenodo(ArteryCoronary) Zenodo(ArteryAorta) Zenodo(Stomach)


GNU General Public License v3.0



We select and build four gene regulatory networks in different genetic diseases from GRAND, a public database for gene regulation. Nodes represent gene regulatory elements with three distinct types: protein-encoding gene, lncRNA gene, and other regulatory elements. Edges are regulatory effects between genes. The task is a multi-class classification of gene regulatory elements. We train a CNN and use it to take the gene sequence as input and create a 4,651-dimensional embedding for each node. The hyperedges are constructed by grouping nearby genomic elements on the chromosomes, i.e., the genomic elements within 200k base pair distance are grouped as hyperedges.

Name #nodes #edges #hyperedges #features #classes
Leukemia 4,651 6,362 7,812 4608 3
Kidney_renal_papillary_cell_carcinoma 4,319 5,599 7,369 4608 3
Lung_cancer 4,896 6,995 8,179 4608 3
Stomach_cancer 4,518 6,051 7,611 4608 3


Python (recommended)

from hg.datasets import Grand
# name = ['Leukemia', 'Kidney_renal_papillary_cell_carcinoma', 'Lung_cancer', 'Stomach_cancer']
dataset = Grand('/data/grand', name='Leukemia') 
# Data(x=[4651, 4608], edge_index=[2, 6362], y=[4651], hyperedge_index=[2, 10346], num_hyperedges=7812)

Download raw data in JSON:
Zenodo(Leukemia) Zenodo(KidneyCancer) Zenodo(LungCancer) Zenodo(StomachCancer)


GNU General Public License v3.0

Amazon Datasets


Amazon-Computers and Amazon-Photos are two e-commerce hybrid graphs based on the Amazon Product Reviews dataset. Nodes represent products, and an edge between two products is established if a user buys these two products or writes reviews for both. However, unlike other existing datasets, we introduce the image modality into the construction of hyperedge. To be specific, the raw images are fed into a CLIP classifier, and a 512-dimensional feature embedding for each image is returned to assist the clustering. The hyperedges are then constructed by grouping products whose image embeddings’ pairwise distances are within a certain threshold.

Name #nodes #edges #hyperedges #features #classes
Computers 10,226 55,324 10,226 1000 10
Photos 6,777 45,306 6,777 1000 10



from hg.datasets import Amazon
# for other datasets, use name='Photos'
dataset = Amazon('/data/amazon',name='Computers')  # name = ['Computers', 'Photos']
# Data(x=[10226, 1000], edge_index=[2, 55324], y=[10226], hyperedge_index=[2, 40903], num_hyperedges=10226)


Amazon Service licence

Data Preprocessing Modules


Following the work by GraphSAINT on simple graph sampling, we propose HypergraphSAINT, a class of hybrid graph samplers employing GraphSAINT’s graph sampling approaches. In HypergraphSAINT, we adopt the same sampling strategies in GraphSAINT for sampling the simple graph components in a hybrid graph, making three different types of samplers: HypergraphSAINTNodeSampler, HypergraphSAINTNodeSampler, and HypergraphSAINTRandomWalkSampler. As for the hyperedges, we use an intuitive procedure that any hyperedges containing at least one node in the sampled subgraph are retained, but all nodes not in the subgraph are masked out from those hyperedges. We also construct two naïve random samplers as baselines for evaluation: RandomNodeSampler and RandomHyperedgeSampler, which randomly sample a subset of nodes/hyperedges from the original hybrid graph according to a uniform sampling distribution. However, subgraphs sampled using RandomNodeSampler can be very sparse, while subgraphs sampled using RandomHyperedgeSampler can be very dense.


from hg.datasets import Facebook, HypergraphSAINTNodeSampler
# Download data to the path '/data/facebook'
data = Facebook('/data/facebook')
# Data(x=[22470, 128], edge_index=[2, 342004], y=[22470], hyperedge_index=[2, 2344151], num_hyperedges=236663)

# Create a HypergraphSAINT sampler which samples 1000 nodes from the graph for 5 times
sampler = HypergraphSAINTNodeSampler(data[0], batch_size=1000, num_steps=5)
batch = next(iter(sampler))
# Data(num_nodes=918, edge_index=[2, 7964], hyperedge_index=[2, 957528], num_hyperedges=210718, x=[918, 128], y=[918])

Data Loaders

Data Loaders can also be obtained using hg.hybrid_graph.io.get_dataset:

from hg.hybrid_graph.io import get_dataset
name = 'musae_Facebook'
train_loader, valid_loader, test_loader,data_info = get_dataset(name)


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