
HGB Training and Evaluation Frameworks

You can use the command hybrid-graph to train and evaluate GNNs predefined in HGB directly, if you have installed HGB via pip.


Training can be triggered with the following command. It takes only a few minutes to train a GCN even on a CPU.

hybrid-graph train grand_Lung gcn -a=cpu


Evaluation can be triggered with

# load the saved checkpoint from the path 'lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/best.ckpt'
hybrid-graph eval grand_lung gcn -load='lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/best.ckpt' -a=cpu

Command Line Interface

Command-Line Arguments

The command-line arguments are stored in the arguments dictionary as follows:

Optional arguments:

Available Datasets

  1. grand_ArteryAorta: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains a graph of the human aorta artery.
  2. grand_ArteryCoronary: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains a graph of the coronary arteries.
  3. grand_Breast: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about breast tissue.
  4. grand_Brain: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about brain tissue.
  5. grand_Lung: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about lung tissue.
  6. grand_Stomach: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about stomach tissue.
  7. grand_Leukemia: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about leukemia.
  8. grand_Lungcancer: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about lung cancer.
  9. grand_Stomachcancer: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about stomach cancer.
  10. grand_KidneyCancer: belong to one of GRAND-Tissues - This dataset contains information about kidney cancer.
  11. musae_Twitch_DE: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in German.
  12. musae_Twitch_EN: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in English.
  13. musae_Twitch_ES: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in Spanish.
  14. musae_Twitch_FR: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in French.
  15. musae_Twitch_PT: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in Portuguese.
  16. musae_Twitch_RU: belong to one of MUSAE-Twitch - This dataset contains a graph of Twitch streamers in Russian.
  17. musae_Facebook: belong to one of MUSAE-Facebook - This dataset contains a graph of Facebook users.
  18. musae_Github: belong to one of MUSAE-GitHub - This dataset contains a graph of GitHub users.
  19. musae_Wiki_chameleon: belong to one of MUSAE-Wiki - This dataset contains a graph of Wikipedia users editing pages about chameleons.
  20. musae_Wiki_crocodile: belong to one of MUSAE-Wiki - This dataset contains a graph of Wikipedia users editing pages about crocodiles.
  21. musae_Wiki_squirrel: belong to one of MUSAE-Wiki - This dataset contains a graph of Wikipedia users editing pages about squirrels.
  22. amazon_Computer: belong to one of Amazon-Computers - This dataset contains a graph of Amazon computer products.
  23. amazon_Photo: belong to one of Amazon-Photos - This dataset contains a graph of Amazon products related to photography.

Available Models

  1. gcn: Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) - A classical type of GNN that applies the convolution operation to graphs.

  2. sage: GraphSAGE (Sample and Aggregate) - Another type of GNN which learns an embedding by aggregating information from a node’s local neighborhood.

  3. gat: Graph Attention Network (GAT) - A classsical type of GNN which applies attention mechanisms to weigh the importance of neighboring nodes when aggregating their information.

  4. gatv2: GATv2 - An improved version of GAT.

  5. hyper-gcn: Hypergraph Convolution (HyperConv) - A type of GNN designed to work with hypergraphs, where an edge can connect more than two nodes.

  6. hyper-gat: Hypergraph Attention (HyperAtten) - An attention-based model similar to GAT, but designed for hypergraphs.

  1. lp-gcn-hyper-gcn: LP-GCN+HyperConv - A Linear Probe model that combines GCN and HyperConv.

  2. lp-gat-hyper-gcn: LP-GAT+HyperConv - A Linear Probe model that combines GAT and HyperGCN.

  3. lp-gat-gcn: LP-GAT+GCN - A Linear Probe model that combines GAT and GCN.